Readers - Feedback and your idea input :

Greetings friends and fellow Circle members!

First of all I would like to thank you all for taking the time to read through the first few chapters of this story I have wrote and subsequently thrust upon you.  ^_^

Commenting and suggesting ideas etc are not compulsory, but they are very much appreciated as they help me develop the story and get a better idea of how it reads/translates to others.  So thank you to those who choose to take the extra  time to do so!!

If you are familiar with the other stories I have written you hopefully notice some major changes in the way this one is being told ...both style (genre) and delivery (how Ive decided to write this one).

I have never tried writing a sci-fi suspense thriller before, and possibly may never again...  For those that are familiar with my other stuff I have to say the following
  'Sorry, there won't be a hint of humour in this  ...Albert, Simon, under-wizard Fantastic and all my other characters are remaining in the comedy-realm where they belong.  You can find them back on Earth mk2 (and mk3 in the not-so near future) should you need them!"

From this point on this page is going to become some kind of introduction-to or user's guide.  I'll basically explain some of the plot ideas (WITHOUT GIVING ANYTHING AWAY) and give some insight in to the story and the characters.

The story (as of today 10/June/2013) is in its first draft stage, and has only been checked for spelling/tense errors...  The chapters will be embellished at a later point once I progress further in to the tale, or once I get some feedback that requires me to make some changes.
With this story I am also thinking of attempting some kind of romantic sub-plot (since my primary characters are male and female). - but with that said I'm not entirely sure how that would work baring in mind the story is set at the end of the 50s.

So... A long time ago a certain writer who shall go unnamed told me the following 'Write what you know' ...well, what do I know?  After spending half of my life immersed in sound and a third of it studying sound I guess its fair to say I know sound,  ^_^  So forgive me for the geeky stuff contained within the confines of this story.
Those among you that know your female pioneers might have spotted a familiar sight tucked away within the supporting images I have placed in the first chapter  ...Yes, that is Delia Derbyshire, and yes the character Delia is directly inspired by her.  ^_^  (I'll leave it at that for now).

The following is an attempt to outline plot development or summarise each chapter :
  • Chapter #1 
    • Introduction / 'The Job Offer'
      In this chapter the protagonist introduces us to himself and the nature of his work by talking about how he found himself at the Facility.The opening lines are taken from a letter (written at a future point) that suggest he is concerned about something,
      There is no prologue/introduction as such, apart from the few lines of the letter - which quickly progress in to the first chapter.
      The chapter also introduces John (The Engineer), Bain (the Facility Director) and another two possible minor characters (*unnamed).

  • Chapter #2  
    • DeliaIn this chapter the reader is introduced to Delia, the secondary character,
      Delia has been working at the facility for nearly a month before our protagonist arrives and has been asked to show him around in Bain's absence.
      We also learn a little more about the classified goings-on at The Facility and discover the mystery surrounding Operational Building one.

  • Chapter #3 
    • Frequencies An otherwise eventless day in the Library takes a new turn as Delia arrives brandishing some files and a picnic basket. - Delia makes some discoveries and shares her findings with us, leaving the protagonist to extrapolate meaning from them..
    • There is also a suggestion of sexual tension between them.
      • At this point I realised I have two characters of opposing sex, clearly confined, secluded for months together. ...and working very closely together. - I don't think I really needed to emphasise this (the sexual tension), I thought the 'turning up with a picnic basket was enough at this point'  ^_^
  • Chapter #4 
    • *unwritten*
      This chapter is unwritten, it would be good to get some ideas/feedback before I start this one.  John will be making an appearance, if only to remind us of his frustration at the 'ghost'. ^_^
      I will also clarify that Delia's findings in chapter #3 are correct but her notions of hearing the Earth's 'heartbeat' are pure fantasy.

  • Chapter #5
    •  *unwritten*
      Plot summary. The search for the cause of the phantom sound continues..
      The protagonist puts forward his findings and raises concerns about what he believes he has discovered.     ...The mystery is finally solved or just a red-herring?

  • Delia's Timepiece
  • Passports/Identification  ...the need for secrecy is still vital?
  • The Operational Buildings (the ones that as stil operational that is!) ^_^
  • The management (Bain and the MOD)
  • The 'Station Ghost' - And its cause/purpose/origin.

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